I’m just gonna say it… Interviewing for a dev position sucks! It is the most humbling, brain racking experience I’ve ever been through. Alas, it is a natural process for getting hired. Lately, I’ve been on a LOT of interviews and got a LOT of rejections. Rejection sucks sure, but I always ask for feedback. Here is what I learned:
Every once in a while, you go on an interview for a company that you L-O-V-E. Butterflies in your stomach, right culture, great atmosphere, refreshments. You make it to the last interview and get all the answers right. Your interviewer says “OK, this works! …can we do better?” and you’re thinking “wtf do you mean better? Does he mean cleaner? Is it not readable?”. Interview ends, you go home, next week you get an email saying you’ve been rejected. What happened?
When I first heard about this in school, I thought about the anime on adult swim. I didn’t appreciate the significance of this topic until I began interviewing. So what is Big-O?
Big-O is used to communicate the performance of an algorithm. For example.
macias_family = ["Richard", "Christina", "Mary", "Stephano", "Giovanni"]
macias_family[0] #=> "Richard"
Accessing the 0th value of the family array takes O(1) time (oh-of-one). What this means is that it will always take, worst case, one operation to complete this action/algorithm. Makes sense? Moving onward!
Say I want an algorithm that will print out all the names of any family:
def meet_the_family(family)
family.each do |member|
puts member
meet_the_family(macias_family) #=> O(n) operation
This operation will process the length of the array which is a length of 5; however,we would not say O(5), we’d say O(n). If the array is a length of 2 or 100000, We’ll still call it O(n) because we are measuring by the worst case.
family_tree = [["jack", "jill"], ["Angelina", "Brad"], ["foo", "bar"]]
family_tree << macias_family
def extended_family (large_family)
large_family.each do |small_family|
extended_family(family_tree) #=> O(n^2) operation (oh-of-n-squared)
Starting to see the pattern here?
We’re iterating through two arrays: the family_tree
array and every array inside it. Thus, O(n^2).
#Your algorithms suck!
…Is something I was told by my mentor recently after complaining that I was submitting working code, but wasn’t getting the job. Here’s why.
Get greedy
Remember that thing I was talking about? Big-O? Yeah, my complexities sucked. This is why it’s good to use better data structures. A binary search tree is a good example
I won’t go in depth with the binary search tree today. I think I can make a pretty lengthy blog post about how to structure a binary search tree, so let’s just talk about its complexity for a moment.
The wonderful thing about the binary search tree is the Big-O complexity. Given the above example. If I wanted to find 65, the search would begin at the root, which in this case is 60. 65 is greater than 60, so it would travel right. 65 is less than 74 so it would go left. 65 is == 65, it’s a match! It will greedily return true.
In a linear search, worst case wouldbe O(n), we’ve simplified our search to O(log n). The best way I can describe O(log n), is dividing a problem in half, over and over until you find the value you are looking for. This continuously halves your search complexity as opposed to going through each iteration.
binary_tree = [{value: 60, left: {value:41 left:{Obj} right:{Obj}}, right:{value: 74, left:{Obj}, right:{Obj}}}]
def value_exists? argument
return true if value == argument
current_value = value
while value != nil
return true if current_value == agument
if agument < value
current_value = right.value
elseif agument
current_value = left.value
return false
So in this example, we’re traversing the binary search tree until we find a match or bust in the process. This is great because if we had a sorted array, it’d be [16,25,41,42,46,53,55,60,62,63,64,65,70,74]
. if We were to run value_exists?(74)
we would get it on the 2nd try, vs the linear search which would literally give us the worst result.
Crushing it!
That’s all I got for now. I wanted to include some JavaScript interview problems and solutions (scope, closures, etc.), but I think it’s best I save it for another post as well since I’m gonna go pretty in depth. I’m trying my best to crush it, I hope you will too!
- You can learn more about Big-O with the Big-O cheat sheet.
- Cracking the Coding Interview is THE book to buy for interviews. Seriously a must-have.
- I’m also a big fan of interview cake.